Friday, March 11, 2011

Clinics To Do Blood Work In Toronto


UDINE - Meet the great world to dance "Giovanni da Udine": Sunday, March 13, at 20.45, the Ballet de Lorraine in fact will be star of the evening Forsythe / Cunningham. Four choreographic jewels (The Thrill of vertiginous Exactitude, The Vile Parody of Address, Steptext, Duets) to pay homage to the two pillars of the contemporary scene: William Forsythe and Merce Cunningham. A real show-event, therefore, in which form becomes poetry ...
"Few companies - writes the critic Lorenzo Tozzi - are now able to return to daily life choreography so different, in spirit and above all style and language, such as those of William Forsythe, born in 1949 in the Big Apple but soon transplanted in Europe for decades at the helm of the famed Ballet Frankfurt, and those of Merce Cunningham, dean of the American contemporary dance, and for decades a close associate oestrus musician John Cage. One of these companies is, without doubt, the Ballet de Lorraine. "
After a period of evolution, marked by different names, the current Ballet de Lorraine is one of the most famous companies. Didier Deschamps, who was appointed Director General in 2000, a project dedicated to promoting the diversification of its repertoire and choreographic thanks to a group of dancers permanent high-level. Each year, the company works, on average, over 70 performances: works of the repertoire - classical and contemporary - and new creations offer the public a wide range of techniques, languages \u200b\u200band creative ways the artists of today and illustrate the extraordinary diversity and richness of dance .
The program presented in Udine is very representative of the repertoire and multifaceted possibilities of the French education: the hyperkinetic Forsythe's creations, often interpreted in Italy dall'Aterballetto of Bigonzetti, those "calligraphic" Cunningham, the only one who knows transformed into an aesthetic discipline based on randomness. As observed by Marinella Guatterini: "The last choreographer Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale (Forsythe) and the first (Cunningham) show how the endless search in the pure dance, with no narrative and psychology, can arouse very strong emotions well Beyond the beauty of form. "
Remember that you still subscribe (also online) subscription dance three shows and that the next meeting is set for April 19th with the eagerly awaited Coppélia, brought to the stage by Victor Ullate Ballet Comunidad de Madrid (the presale will be active from Monday March 21). For information, contact the Infopoint of "Giovanni da Udine "(0432.248418), visit the official website ( or join the fan page ( / teatroudine).

Let us also remember this show for the students of the University of Udine and the Conservatoire J. Tomadini can purchase tickets at the special price of 5.00 €.


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