Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Leep And Implantation Bleeding



IS WHO '? Borghezio?

piduismo regime

words vile and wretched Mr. Cicchitto

Related Articles
Fabrizio Cicchitto the ultra Silvio wounded
Barbara Spinelli: solidarity with Marco Travaglio
"jerk, Kapo and idiots," love the second B.
apologists of the system: who does not love him is a bad teacher
The opposition will not be to silence
De Magistris: No to the criminalization of dissent
The attack on Berlusconi and unexceptionable position
Di Pietro Paolo Flores d'Arcais
---------- --------------------------
By becoming cowardly shield of immunity of caste, the Hon. Cicchitto accused Marco Travaglio, one of the few journalists-reporters still standing in this country, of being a "media terrorist", and one of moral principals, along with "The Daily Done" and the whole group Repubblica-Espresso 's assault of a mentally unstable to Berlusconi.

With these outrageous charges, the shameful Cicchitto was undertaken the majority of misrule nell'imbarbarimento a further step in the political struggle and the campaign of hatred against the Republican Constitution, its institutions, citizens who defend it.

If we stoop to the shameful Cicchitto monstrous illogical, we would accuse him of "parliamentary terrorism."
What we will not do. His is only
piduismo, deployed and regimen.

We are confident that those in the majority have a residual respect for the values \u200b\u200bof liberal democracy stigmatizzerĂ  "no ifs, ands or buts" the disgraceful act that has disgraced the Italian parliament. The rest is complicity. Subscribe

text Flores Arcais of solidarity with Travaglio,
the daily Repubblica-Espresso to the group on facebook Join

Cicchitto WHAT WAS SAID:

(December 15, 2009)

Italy is falling into the abyss of barbarism
OBSESSIONS, poisons and incivility '
.. and who am I to judge.? The dominant thought



Tuesday, December 15, 2009 attack on Berlusconi
The second is a frame
me .... I have seen and reviewed the video and photographs of the attack
Looking at some videos on YouTube you can see many strange things

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWmvrYIKitA 1) In the video taken by the camera that fits more closely and berlusconi height man, believed to be the official camera of the PDL, the operator, who had previously completed Berlusconi incessantly, move the camera on the crowd just a few seconds before the attack. Look to the minute / second 1:43 the following video: Even the operator moves the camera right when the arm dell'assalitore becomes visible in the frame (top left).
The movement is also quite sharp, I do not compatible with any dictate to regulate the proper use of the tools of recovery.
I believe that just ask any amateur operator saperese for such a maneuver should be considered correct. A check can be made more finding out who is the operator of the camera in question and those who work.

2) The shots where you see the attack from above instead (there sonotante on YouTube) it seems that the object does not affect B. in full, but rather almost touches the solamente.Inoltre his head remains still, a shot so romperelabbro strong, two front teeth and nose would surely have provoked a backlash
very strong due to the violent impact, do not you think? 3) You may also notice that just after the impact there is no blood on the face of Berlusconi. After the impact
B. He carries his hands to his face, hiding any possible injury. But
an impact type lacerated contusion should not cause cuts and injuries can be almost instantly?

is then taken by car and it will stay there a few seconds, but unfortunately the video I saw I could not calculate the exact amount, I believe that there remains
least one minute.
At minute 3:46 of the video above you can see that an agent of the Commons puts his hand on the face of B. while holding something, this object can be a simple handkerchief, or the thing that you can see later, you

http://www.repubblica.it/2006/05/gallerie/politica/berlusconi-aggredito/12. html

What can it be? Maybe a pistol that launches fake blood?

4) In fotosequenza of Repubblica.it seen as B. put her hands to the face
holding a black bag between his fingers.
In the first picture we see that when the spasm following injury brings his hands to his face tightened into fists.
When a person feels a pain understood and puts his hands to the face is feasible, taking into clenched fists in order to hold an object?
Would not it be logical that immediately opened their hands?
5) In the images it can be seen on Repubblica.it
Berlusconi's hands are not at all bloody. How is this possible?

I advise you to download video from YouTube perpoterlo best view in slow motion.

Ultimately I believe that B. has not done nothing had the impact, smear, with the object thrown by the attacker.
It is instead rigged for good in the time it was in the car, then come out to show to all the alleged consequences of what he wanted farcredere had happened.

Here's another blogger who think like me:

What do you think?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kates Play Ground.com

Shouts and whistles: not the most enchanting spot

Shouts and whistles: the spot no longer enchants
Today at 16.03 prime minister still disputed, the empire trembles.
Trust down 14% from the beginning of term: "We can not always win"

Last summer retreat of Silvio Berlusconi will be a medieval fortress, a single room in the castle of the Princess Sofia Tor Crescenza Borghese. Without the traffic and tourists in Rome.

whistles that make it far from the company to a government only: Letizia Moratti in Milan, Renato Schifani in Palermo.
Neither the ball, the best advertising for twenty years ago by Berlusconi to roll right.

President of miracles and five coppecampioni sought an ovation from the Milan fans: there's banners, shouting and whistling.

And to think that, in response to 86 as a commercial success, Berlusconi declined to Milanello for the gathering of the team with a helicopter livery AC Milan Adriano Galliani and trust in guard of honor.

The entrepreneur with the sun in your pocket - the electoral code given a book by Sandro Bondi - is now off: "We can not always win," said dismissed the complaints of fans.

And they said, "Once you bought Baggio, now only Caravaggio." That party's over Monday has understood in Milan for the gala prize 'statesman of rare ability,' empty room and no song.

is also a lesson in realism of his brother Paul, "Silvio can not even walk on water." The shadow of the waving numeriNon surveys because the numbers are bad
: in July - the source Ipr Marketing - confidence in the Prime Minister is 39 percent, less than 14 points since returning to Palazzo Grazioli. Never so bad in the legislature.

The government is in the relegation zone: 33 percent, one in three Italian believes in Brunetta, Gelmini et al. The former pollster
staff Crespi rages: voting intentions, the PDL increased from 39 percent in January to 33.5 in July. The "I think ghe" has sparked panic and run collective.

On 19 July Paolo Borsellino were recalled and ran away: Schifani has avoided the public square of Palermo, the mayor Moratti has made her escort La Russa in Milan.

perGianfranco Fini Whistles and applause, whistles and enough to Beppe Pisanu. Professor Alessandro Campi teaches History of Political Thought in Perugia and comments from a vantage point
- scientific director of Finian Farefuturo - races and anxieties in Roman palaces: There
sidereal distance between citizens and their representatives.

The political class is afraid of confrontation, so it becomes the caste that is silent and ignores the common people. "
And if you beat a retreat, and remains segregated in autoblu, the police are the wall and waving batons, two weeks ago in L'Aquila parade at Palazzo Grazioli, beatings and three wounded.
"This is a result of our oligarchic democracy.

fails the age ranging from Tangentopoli later thought to parties and liquid - add fields - the virtual dialogue, but we were prisoners of an illusion. "
And the politician, Berlusconi, or struggle to understand reality.
Sends a message to Abruzzo to the anniversary of the earthquake, a text read and marked by boos and insults: "I wonder why? For
L'Aquila I put my heart. "

And perhaps they need homes, jobs, future.

La Scala theater celebrating the liberation, Berlusconi interrupted five minutes of applause for Giorgio Napolitano, soon converted into whistles just sticks out his hand to say hello.

Still whistles in via Humility (party headquarters) for a press conference, boos the entire council of ministers away in Reggio Calabria. Debris on
peggioCampi, the empire crumbles?
"The electoral law is the original evil, how can a citizen feel part of a political project without preferences tab? Then the MPs seem to pass laws to hide and armored obvious that people take to the streets.

not make comparisons with the '92 or the coins to Craxi, we do not have to fight public opinion, ripe for change, not apathy, but because he resigned for the worst. "

maceration on the rubble, the breakdown is irreparable?

"Politics must rediscover the courage to talk to people, to address the criticisms and explain. I do not know how and when to blow the lid on the pot, but the pressure is really strong. "

------------- ----

Not in my name
Today at 10:39
- Roberta De Monticelli -
I teach philosophy of the person at the Faculty of Philosophy, University Vita Salute San Raffaele. I am writing this to say: not in my name. It is certainly not in my name today (yesterday, ed) our Rector, Father Louis Verzi, acting as his right to the proclamation of the graduation ceremony, he turned to the only candidate Barbara Berlusconi, who arrived today at the conclusion of his career three years, asking if he thought could be born a Faculty of Economics of the San Raffaele based on the author's thought on the issue in the thesis (Amartya Sen), and an invitation to become professor of this university, in the presence of the Prime Minister, who attended the ceremony.

mean openly and publicly disassociate myself from this I think is a violation not only of the formal principle of equal dignity of students, not only of form and substance of an instrument such as a proclamation of degree, not only the dignity of the teaching staff Rector should be represented, but also the ethical requirements of a university of excellence which the University aspires rightly San Raffaele to be.

I would like to clearly and publicly and disassociate myself from these words and logic that underlies it, the logic that a lifetime fighting, always fighting as corporatism and clientelism of the Italian university system and the gradual sinking of all the criteria of excellence and merit, as well as the University itself as a school of freedom.

I'll disagree individually, although I hope that the deprecation of what is unanimous among the faculty. But I would like to reiterate my statement that are not happy in principle nor in fact partly responsible Circulation of this ceremony, not of principle for the deep reasons of disagreement that I have expressed here, not done, because in fact not one of the members of the committee on the candidate in question, and certainly not because I asked to be exonerated.

http://temi.repubblica.it/micromega-online/don-verze-e-la-nomina-a-docente-di-barbara-berlusconi-roberta-de-monticelli-non-in-mio-nome /

Sunday, December 6, 2009

South Park Uses Heroes Music

Giorgio Bocca

thousand heads and no turtle, parties are a step back
Luca Telese
If you want to understand the geometry of a parade, you take it against you. But if yesterday tried to swim back in the great river of purple people, you did a great little discovery: the backbone of this parade - the first time in many years - the bony vertebrae of the parties and the debris of the joyous war machines of politics, not seen anymore.
resembles the network. It was not a trick or a sleight of hand. Yesterday I walked for two hours and twenty in the wrong direction, away from Termini station and Merulana like I finished on a huge treadmill purple. It was like the back of a river, like going in the opposite direction on the motorway I was never able to see the tail, never managed to get to the end, the wave pushed me forward constantly. Compared to the events of the last twenty years, even compared the memorable event of roundabouts morettiana of 2002, reaches the parade and you realize that, since its structure resembles more to the network from which it was delivered to the liturgy of the twentieth-century working-class political parade.
From 900 to 2000. Until yesterday, an event was important to win the head. That was a parade of the purple people in which each piece was a head, just as if it were so many open windows of an open source Linux on a screen, like a ride on google on a keyword to another: red-mafia agenda - Young-south-purse, but also handcuffs-teasing-knight-parodies, but also school-democracy-constitution-Pertini. I have walked the parade for an hour before finding the first flag of the party. There were many, but almost disappeared from the inventive do-it-yourself, the floats, the purple sofa cover recycled by way of banner to Kefia chromatically tuned, the auctions with hanging a scarf or a sock, the cassette Fruit used to enclose the puppets of Berlusconi and allegories brunettiane. After an hour and twenty I crossed the first-ranking leader, Luigi De Magistris. It was not hailed as a guest of honor, but digested as a fish, the human flood that thundered off festive in Merulana. Under the obelisk in Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore, was planted Rosy Bindi. Dozens of people had stopped to talk with you: was a leader of the Democratic Party of lighter gauge, it would be digested and mist over, as if a bunch of goldfish had ravaged. Catering
rifondarolo. In Piazza San Giovanni sighted secretary of the PRC, Paolo Ferrero. Walk in "bourgeois" with his girlfriend, Angela Scarparo. He 's happy: "Usually we say that we are sectarian, but the truth is that we have made available to this movement without wanting to plant flags ... Those who recite the Democratic Party majority in their vocation-he says with a smile - have proven very sectarian and bureaucratic. " Ferrero smiles: "I think it will Rifondazione of 800 buses organized at least 400 ... But without putting his hat. We did .... catering a Democrat. " It 's true. It found many along the parade, you say: "I came up with the coach of the Green", "With the Left and freedom," "Arrival by train, along with those of the PDCI. Many came to bring these coaches, but "guests" of politics that takes a step back. Claudio Fava - the left and freedom - the bike chains, and slips away Merulana in the parade: "This is a public holiday. I do not live as a defeat, but as a victory, the fact that the parties do not put their stamp, and that citizens have taken the first row. " With Nichi Vendola, a few meters back, we arrive at the paradox. Chased upstream, a swarm of people surrounding it. When you pass a section where there are many flags of the Democratic Party, raise the cry: "Do not give up! Candidates. " A march like a blog. It 's like in this procession, which is like a great blog on the left, the geometry of the parties is broken down and reassembled in a different order from what I have experienced so far. It is astonishing how quickly the color purple becomes a new common denominator. And it is as if the creativity of a new generation, the generation of twentysomethings who were just born when Berlusconi won for the first time, had become the new catalyst around which clear up all other stories.
Hierarchies & choreography. Here
has no more take the lead, the tortoise of the Roman phalanx, think of the event as a warrior structure. Count imagine a dance: there are hooded with 1816 P2 card pinned on his chest with the compass, there are floats with the puppets of Berlusconi, is Pluto, the dog of Barbara and Renato, who like their masters pettoralina red with the word "Respect the Constitution." Irene is coming from Pisa with its purple Mafalda, there is a wheelchair with a sign: "I have only two months, Mr. B. I was already angry. " It is probably sincere Antonio Di Pietro, sandwiched between the microphones that says: "We are one soul with the purple people." He paid the stage, so no need to stand on: it has become the provider of this parade, so he did not think it serves the mark with the symbol. Smart, once again, but also intelligent. It is impressive to the transfiguration of Angelo Bonelli, leader of the Greens regenerated, lean, and smiling: "As MP I weighed 96 pounds, are now at 77, I run in the morning, I think in another way ... The truth is that today the parties have been exceeded by the company. "
Hamlet and the Democratic Party. In the backstage area, you could find the political representatives of the last tribes host of the parade. Giovanna Melandri, Walter Verini, Lino Paganelli: the veltroniani. But the presence of a part of the PD, and beautiful except for Bindi, is the reagent that brings up the glaring absence of the staffs of the Democratic Party. Pierluigi Bersani has reasoned through the lens of another century, and his management team was embalmed in a pointless debate: how do we participate in events that we have not summoned, who will speak from the stage and who decides, who are these unknown of blogs and who provides for them, what happens if you offend Napolitano, how do we dissociate ourselves if there are any accidents .... A wonderful spin on the possible and improbable events: of which, unfortunately for the Democratic Party, if they have not encountered any of them. Yesterday the response spectrum of Hamlet who has mastered the new leadership of the Democratic Party, were the thousands of militants of the Democratic Party rushed to the streets. For years the old policy had to wrap his mighty processions of keeping order, to protect its leaders and activists with a band of beefy hands, play in the square barriers and hierarchical policy. The people of non-B-day yesterday down these structures, without which no one felt the lack. Viola, anarchic, tidy.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

How To Lvl Up Fast On Pokemon Deluge

HEROES do not dissolve


Text and images by Fulvio Lo Cicero

ROME - "Half Pd parades with Di Pietro" title "Il Giornale" Victor Felts and immediately made it clear that the protesters are not more than 90 000. For news of Raiset and its audience is almost nothing happened. The event No B day as if it had never occurred: titolino and articulate than twenty seconds, without journalists and sent. At the same music of the nineteen Gr1, to that of the twenty and thirty - after the game to sign juve-inter - the news is read in about eighteen seconds and the speaker, without any journalism.

course, TG1, TG5, TG2 not distinguished themselves for greater objectivity. A bit 'better TG3, but nothing special.
Great, great room for the new arrests of mobsters. Berlusconi media is a whole symphony of securities in the body one hundred and thirty. The "elite" of Cosa Nostra go forward, screaming and highlight the statements of government officials, at first row Knight: "This shows our fight against the Mafia." Of course, the right needs to deny the statement yesterday by Gaspare Spatuzza here and then the chorus of area newspapers.

short, 5 December, in Rome, there was nothing sensational. The usual, noisy (and annoying) manifestation of "ticks" against a government that is receiving the absurd accusations of bad faith in men and repented. It is the fate of all the events taking place against the Knights and has not been otherwise processed. However, the symptom of a big news there and you see the young average age of participants is not a manifestation of party, but an aggregation of civil society. During the parade there are flags and banners of any kind: thousands of boys and girls parade, at most, with a beer bottle in hand, dance, sing, joke and cry against Berlusconi. At least this news should be highlighted.

As you arrive in the great piazza S. John - that of the traditional dates of the left in the capital - this mass of young people seeking a place on the grass and listen to voices from the stage. Silence and participation, joy in being together, some joint and a couple of beers. "We are not subjects, we are citizens, we want to make the country's interests and not those of a man with a dirty superpower to any democracy, "says Moni Ovadia. Before, it was the great director Mario Monicelli intervened, brought ninety beautifully, does not hide his old revolutionary passion, crying, but with some hesitation:" alive the working class. "antediluvian A slogan now (who knows why, since the workers still exist and are most affected by the economic crisis) but still shows its full explosive force. And then Dario For, with Franca Rame" Many people do not know who has chosen to share their ideas for trying to change this kind of shit, "he says." I and two in France we have 150 years, we've seen a lot but we do not pull back, do not we retire. The time will come when people will no longer have to pack up and go away from this country. What we see here makes us say that it's time for celebration. "

The three presenters are young people from different cities, have unknown names but they are very good, ironic and humorous. Announce the guests, inciting applause. Something television characterizes them but it is inevitable for those born and grew up with this predominant media. At about nineteen, the event is over. A huge swarm of guys started to walk towards the house while Claudio Baglioni began the concert. When evening came, the echoes of the B. No day is still deafening. Blogs and the network worked. Fortunately, in Italy, there are not only news and daily regime.
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=IDVstaff # p/u/33/4lH6QzKobDM

Friday, December 4, 2009

Exotic Fish For Sale In Capetown


Italy: State of the rhetoric and the brain drain.

Yesterday at 19:35
I was quite impressed that the letter Pier Luigi Celli,
Director General of the LUISS University, has directed its
Not so much for the letter itself or its contents
(a father who calls her son to leave the country,
among ordinary people, one fact is quite obvious), but because that
father is not an ordinary man.
Pier Luigi Celli was the Director General of RAI,
a man is very well integrated in public;
one of those characters from which, because powerful
never, I would have expected a letter and a similar appeal.

Ours is a country blockaded and historically
castrated by nepotism and recommendations at every level: local, national
, public and private.
is a country, ours, in which the merit
has always had a very relative value. In Italy, the level of
professional life can exist, if you belong to a clan:
a family, a party, lobby, etc.. "Here, look around.
What you see is that all this has less value
in a divided society, contentious, highly individualistic,
ready to sell off the minimum values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and honesty,
in exchange for a recognition of the personal interests of
prebends questionable; Careers ferocious made on merit
Unless it is a merit affiliation, politics,
clan, familistic: just make the difference. "
The brain drain is a phenomenon that has always been about the young university
brilliant, utterly devoid of
right hooks. How many rigged competitions in the name of
disgusting practice nepotism.
How many people have managed to get ahead in defiance to the most deserving
, just because the daughter of Tom, rather than
of Caius: "... run into the glorious destiny of those who, having done
maybe the taxi driver, you see rewarded - for reasons
guessed - with a Board of Directors, or
not knowing anything about electricity, gas and various energy, undaunted
access to the top of a multi-utility. "
The fact, therefore, that a personality Celli
as calls his son to leave, makes sense as Italy
really reached the "fruit": "This is a country in which
, if you're lucky, you'll start earning a tenth of a
any racks, a hundredth of a tissue or a
tronista, maybe a little more than a thousandth of a great manager who has
misadventures and failures that will ever pay. "

Moreover, it is a country as ours, in strong
and irreversible decline: he lost and lost competitiveness for many years,
in almost all economic sectors, which has invested
and invests in basic research or applied in that;
that has used and still uses the school as a parking
for students and teachers are insecure, rather than as a breeding ground for the formation of classes
future leaders and citizens of tomorrow
. A country in which all that has materialized, even
the massacres of unarmed citizens, it seems that
occurred by chance, without ever seeing in the blame can anyone
"This is a country where nobody seems to pay for
for the mistakes made, imagine if you will pull back and thought that
not touch a higher post, once a
officiated by registered post to any office. "

But another reason to feel discomfort, always about the story of
which I discuss in this note, the empty rhetoric and institutional
that followed the letter of Celli.
That rhetoric is typical of our zealous rulers
first, as estimated by our Head of State.
to journalists who asked him to comment on the letter from the Director General
Pier Luigi Celli, Napolitano said:
"I do not think you can tell anyone who will return to
imperial Rome, it would be frankly excessive. But, on this basis
We can raise a country that lives up to
achievements, even the most advanced contemporary civilization. "

Faced with this "necessary", "season" his statement,
so useful to strengthen the patriotism in us all, to me is
spontaneous recall the illustrious President Giorgio Napolitano
the way her son Julius was able to
come in and make a career in academia, all against a
that Robert Tomei.
Giulio Napolitano, in addition to working as a counselor for
Presidency of the Council, has won a competition to
university professorship in administrative law, with a number of publications
well below those of Tomei.

The latter, in front of the wrong suffered, did and won the appeal
with the ruling Council of State, which (for the first time in this kind of
Appeals) affirmed the principle that
for publication shall be construed only
publications disseminated within the scientific community
that the candidate can claim to '... the act of application
monograph of Dr.. Napolitano and public services
reports of users "is produced in printed copy in your
author, hence the same lacks the minimum requirement to be defined
evaluated the effects of competition in question."
And the judges added: "This work has been decisive element
for the assessment of the candidate, which
considered by the committee, the most important
at both formal and substantial, as is clear from the opinions given
, so its not impose eligibility,
necessary, the renewal of the Judgement suitability
expressed against him. "

However, the original Board of Examiners, re-invested
evaluation and was preferred to "become void."
A new Commission, founded in August 2005, was later overturned
more than a month later. Only after a warning by
Tomei, in February of 2006, the Board has been
reconstituted and has finished its work in June 2006
not having presented the candidate D'Orsogna, it was
to allocate two seats among the remaining candidates, namely
Napolitano and Tomei. Again Tomei was rejected, although
should be evaluated by the securities are not considered
first commission. E 'instead proved to be suitable
Giulio Napolitano, although his main work, the one on which the first
committee had been invoked to promote it,
could not be assessed in accordance with the decision of the State Council
. And so, eventually,
all lived happily ever after!

Long live the rhetoric! Long live the nepotism! Long live Italy!

Relation Of Ta To Tm Of Primers

the bottom of the barrel ..........

INPS: boom applications unemployment falls
"The system of social safety nets in
Italy is carrying out its duties"
04 December, 16:04

ROME - Applications for unemployment arrive INPS
in October 2009 were 120,000, up 25% from 96,000
arrive in September. E 'revealed by INPS
according to which there was an increase even when compared to
October 2008 (they were 105,000) but a decrease compared to
peak, recorded in July of 166,000 applications. LA CALA


In November, confirming the decrease (-10.29% on October)
to the economic situation of ordinary layoffs. The news
INPS explaining that the appeal is growing
the extraordinary layoff (+34.69%).
The amount of hours authorized temporary layoffs (ordinary) and cigs
(extraordinary) in November stood at values \u200b\u200bsimilar to those of October
(77.9 million versus 76.9).
The real difference is the hours authorized for
layoffs notwithstanding (21.6 million in November:
up 21.3% on October), four million more than in the previous month
. The cig

notwithstanding - says INPS - now worth more than 25% of the entire complex
permissions cig.
In total during the month of November 2009 were approved
99.5 million hours of layoffs (the ordinary and extraordinary exception
) versus 94.7 in October
(+5.13% overall economic growth).
"The social welfare system in Italy is doing its job
: extends the guarantees over time, temporary layoffs
from the cigs, and broadens the audience of users
- says the president of INPS, Antonio Mastrapasqua
-. This explains so stop your temporary layoffs, the recovery of
cig cigs and the growth of a waiver, which is now
quarter of all authorized hours.
It 'just remember that these 21 million hours authorized for cig
notwithstanding represent businesses and workers
until last year were devoid of
support tools, and then make the statistical comparison
substantially uneven. "Overall,
from January to November 2009, were authorized 816,300,000
hours of layoffs, compared with 192.3 million
homologous period of 2008 (+324.35%). November 2009,
compared to November 2008
trend shows an increase of 287.94% (99.5 hours vs. 25.7 million).
"The comparison with last year is useful for statistical purposes, but not always
helps to understand
economic dynamics of the period - adding the chairman Mastrapasqua -.
outset of the crisis we have noticed a significant difference between
permission requests cash
integration and the actual consumption by businesses.
data in November I think they can confirm the prudence
of Italian firms: while the recovery occurs
of production, as we were reminded in these days
Centro Studi Confindustria, relatively
to November, the companies prefer to raise finance
redundancy. Data on cig
already had anticipated summer signals a slight recovery, today confirmed that the

positive rebound in the workplace and employment will be slow, as have almost all
observers. But while the network of social shock absorbers
performs its function. "The effect of integration is felt on the chest
Flex applications
mobility: employees remain in the company.
fact in October this year the mobility were
less than the same month last year (-7.81%)
. Increase the questions of unemployment, but at a lower pace than in previous months
about 120 thousand compared to 105 thousand in October 2008.