Friday, May 30, 2008

Resturant With Hats Sayings



Saturday, May 31 20:40 PM in St. George the Martyr church in Schianno.

procession to the grotto of Gazzada

Sunday, June 1st at 11:15 am ever in the church of St. George the Martyr.

For the Holy Mass followed by lunch in Kindergarten celebrating together at the entrance of Don Luigi, the Feast of our asylum.

participate along with JOY!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Format Letter To Mtnl To Disconnect The Line

Appointments Week

Monday 19 at 14.15 in the priest's house: Catechism of Elementary IV
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Perucconi - via Albini 3

Tuesday 20
Santo Rosary at 20:45 hours Fam Biella - via Moray 21A

Wednesday 21
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Blessed Fam - via Manzoni 17

Thursday 22
16:30 pm in St. George
solemn Vespers and Eucharistic adoration following exposure. Replace
At 20:45 Crosio in the Valley: deanery Procession of Corpus Christi
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Dal Pra - via Azzate 20

Friday 23 :
8.30 am in St. George
Lodi solemn Eucharistic exposition and adoration follows.
11.30 Now Media and reposition
to Worship Groups:
15.00: Ministers Communion
16.00: Catechists
17.00: Preado and Ado
Ore18.00: Mass
Milan from 16.30 to 22.15: meeting with the Cardinal's animators and educators with the delivery of the Educational Mandate. Mandatory meeting for all leaders of the Oratory Summer.
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Villa Cagnola
After the recitation of the Rosary Parish Hall of the meeting with the catechists and catechists Gazzada crisitiana initiation.

Saturday 24 :
9.00 am in St. George
Lodi solemn following exposure.
Worship groups:
10.00: Boys / and
11.00: Young
11.45 am: Now Media and reposition
15.00 pm Seniors Group
Ore16.00 Cpp, CAEP, CdO and engaged in parish and oratory. Adoration of the 16 is animated by the choir in the style of Taize.

Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Bianchi - via Varese for

Sunday 25 :
First Communion
17.00: San Giorgio in:
Solemn Vespers and Adoration
silent procession of Corpus Domini
20:45 pm meeting at the sports field for the Eucharistic Procession Via Manzoni (via Moray, Piazza San Bernardino). In S. Solemn Blessing Cross and the conclusion of the Eucharistic Days.

Monday, May 19, 2008

This Will Give You An Erection



Don Angelo expects all parents on June 4 in the oratory of Schianno at 17:00 and at 20:45 Gazzada to submit the proposal for summer!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Serendititybible On-line

Monday, 12
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Eyelashes Paola - Via Ferrari 3

Tuesday, 13
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Bridges Manuela - Via Sanzio 36

Wednesday, 14
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Puricelli - Via Sanzio 28

Thursday, 15
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Cerizza - Via Sanzio 24

Friday 16 : deanery Pilgrimage to the Sacred Mountain - Holy Rosary with Mass at the Shrine.
Departure by bus from the Club Schianno Galvaligi Square at 19:10 and at 19.20. Return scheduled for 22.15.
cost € 7. - Subscribe to church, putting his name on the list.
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Melchioretto - via Fermi 7

Saturday 17 :
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Pisaniello - Via Cremona 8

Sunday 18: Formation meeting for leaders from 9.30 to 17.00 at the oratory of Bustecche in Varese in via Carnia 159.
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Talamona - via Marconi 29

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Celeb Thong Kat Von D

The online journal of the parish moves.


section diary community will find the events of the parish

Monday, May 5, 2008

Znaczenie Słowa Centurion


Monday, May 5: 20:30 Mass at the cemetery for the parish priests and Benefactors Gazzada dead.
Rosario at 20:45 hours - Maria Mason - via Church 49

Tuesday, 6: at 21.15 in the Oratory in Schianno: Animators oratory Schianno summer and are all called Gazzada !
Rosario at 20:45 hours - Marco Zanetti - via Church 46

Wednesday 7: Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guard and the places where he lived San Luigi Orione Tortona. Visit to the Shrine, the animated nativity, the father, at the center of the city. Cost inclusive of Travel and Dining € 30. Subscribe soon in charge of the sacristy and the Elderly groups.
Rosario at 20:45 - Giorgio Cervini - via Church 27A

Thursday 8: Pilgrimage to Syria interparochial May 8 to 16
Rosary at 20.45 - Armando Macchi - Magnani 12 dead

Friday 9
: Rosario at 20:45 hours - Fam Bossi - Barona street

Saturday 10 : collection Diocese of used clothing. Hand bags by Friday, May 9.
Rosario at 20:45 hours - Fam De Carli-Colella - via San Giorgio 4

Sunday 11:
Rosario at 20:45 hours - Picetti Lorenzo - alley Bardelli

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wild Bills Beef Jerky Ingredients

The online journal of the parish moves.


section diary community will find the events of the parish

Babies Chocking On Phelm

weeks in the month of May with Maria Pellegrini between our houses

Thursday, May 1
17.30 - Opening Gazzada at the Grotto Rosary and Holy Mass
20.45 - Opening at St. George the Martyr parish in Schianno

host found in the house to pray the Rosary at 20:45

, led by the Ministers of Communion.
After the Rosary, a procession that will bring about the Madonna in the house next host.
Until May 15 instead of the twilight of 18.00 hours will be praying the rosary in the parish Gazzada S. Cross.
From May 16 instead of the twilight of 18.00 will be praying the Rosary in the church of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Schianno.
In case of rain, the S. Rosary will be recited in St. George (the first 15 days) or Holy Cross (the other part of the month).

Friday 2
Fam Bossi - via Roccolo 8
Saturday 3
Alioli Mariella - Via Adua 47
Sunday 4
Vanoni Luciana - way to Lozza
Monday 5
Maria Mason - via Church 49
Tuesday 6
Marco Zanetti - via Church 46
Wednesday 7
Cervini Giorgio - Via Chiesa 27A
Thursday 8
Macchi Armando - 12 dead Magnani
Friday 9
Fam Bossi - Barona street
Saturday 10
Fam De Carli-Colella - via San Giorgio 4
Sunday 11
Picetti Lorenzo - alley Bardelli
Monday 12
Eyelashes Paola - Via Ferrari 3
Tuesday, 13
Bridges Manuela - Via Sanzio 36
Wednesday, 14
Fam Puricelli - Via Sanzio 28
Thursday, 15
Cerizza Franco - Via Sanzio 24
Friday 16
Fam Melchioretto - via Fermi 7
Saturday 17
Fam Pisaniello - Via Cremona 8
Sunday 18
Fam Talamona - Via Marconi 29
Monday 19
Fam Perucconi - via Albini 3
Tuesday, 20
Fam Biella - via Moray 21A
Wednesday 21
Blessed Fam - via Manzoni 17
Thursday, 22
Fam Dal Pra - via Azzate 20
Friday 23
Villa Cagnola
Saturday 24
Fam Bianchi - via Varese for
Sunday 25
Corpus Christi procession
Monday 26
Fam Rimoldi - via Italy Free 49
Tuesday, 27
Fam Maineri - via Canton 2
Wednesday, 28
Fam Guastella - via Volta 16
Thursday, 29
Fam Balzarini - Via dei Chiosi 2
Friday 30
Fam Brusa - via Roma 46
Saturday 31
Procession departure at 20.45 from the parish of St. George the Martyr Schianno until the Cave Gazzada.