Friday, July 30, 2010

Footwear Store In Malaysia

the mouse is malfunctioning .... it's hot ..... I'll try anyway ..

August 4, 2010

on facebook:

I am passionate about politics,
read, watch, and I can tell ....
pero 'looking around me' s sterile
around me seems to be the whole truth 'is critical.

seems that you wrap around a single node
talking about that guy .... I hate
I can not stand ...
bullshit that says if only the lashes a little bit ....

his henchmen, to retain their jobs, their hands are attached to
deploying a very scurrilous
hand to pay the owner at any cost. And the bad

spokesman aid and Bondo
two old jokes .. Two cases from
slums seem to run away
boficchiando nonsense all round ....

spread incense always ....
in profusion and the stench hangs ..... the use of left and right brain
,.... but what a mess!
become only empty trappings and are abused.

Now everything is confused and we
talian ..... more and more 'down' ... incidents in which angry and stunned
Famo not do more 'pe' sti banana ... PEL
gasped in confusion
remain warm and always headed toward
without being able to learn lessons ....

Abbian lost dignity 'and honor
we toss and turn in the trash ....
we are now certain that the life and 'hard
that you will have' buy-back .....
until 'such and such ....
mangy old cat will not eat' to a great rat.

dedicated to silviuccio # / notes / laura-stakes / riflessione-estivalaura-picchetti/480991054516


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