Today at 18:56
Massimo Cacciari, after voting for or against Caliendo el ' abstaining Fini Casini Rutelli, in Italy we say goodbye to the bipolarity, as some commentators have ruled?
"But bipolarity in Italy was never born. We saw right away. We saw when Berlusconi has run to win in '94 had to lean to the league, losing just if they have separated, or rather, Bossi has been separated from him. This is shown by the path of post PCI. What did the heirs of the Communist Party if it does not seek to govern alliances and partnerships with some centers or with some left, as experience shows, bankruptcy, the Olive Tree. "
many failures, of course. However now we have come to the Democratic Party, one of the two poles ... Or not?
"I gave the soul to build the Democratic Party. Fifteen years. But I'm just old before your eyes centers and old left. In politics should be realistic and realistically we must resign ourselves to see that the experiment does not work right. I gave blood for the building of something that shows a common destination. Instead I found only four walls in common that might blow up. Before the devastating argument, which would mean the annihilation election, better separated, and those from some other people. "
But this is really back to the past, an incomprehensible geography of parties and small parties.
"We have already, after the explosion of Berlusconi's PDL and the crisis of the Democratic Party. Let's say that we live in a situation of great dynamism and the dynamism is a sign of life. But my feeling is that this great movement will take us ... to the old. However, even if the carrier still seems to be the particularism, there are new. One is represented by Fini, who has actually lived and is undergoing a profound political transformation and trying to build a modern European right. While the sea is rough, for the Democratic Party is the moment to draw some conclusions: that, for example, in Italy there is a strong socialist and social democratic tradition that could easily team up with expressions of Catholic culture and liberal, while it is absurd to find an illusion synthesis of so many different stories. It would be wasteful to tear on the candidacy of someone or Vendola other, engage in primary, to say how we did well to hold the primaries, as if the primaries were enough to heal the strife. Each goes its own way and where he can draw votes and knows where, leaving the Catholic component of the task of finding the center, as it can very well done, especially taking advantage of this moment of dynamism, it was said, turbulence, broken . So it is. Point. It's obvious. Well, well, well, take note. "
Why do you think, that our failure, and allow even his?
"Because no one came up to reveal the story ...."
It makes self-criticism?
"I do all the self-criticisms of the world. But the problem is that politics is not made of good ideas, but is made of good practice. D'Alema docet. He had his doubts and assisted all'avverarsi his doubts to say then that he was right. Rutelli and Fassino believed, however, but probably were not equal. We come to the conclusion: if you are forced to live with those who can not stand, it ends with a knife, so better to separate as soon as possible ... The PD would avoid further trouble and above all could enjoy the enormous political spaces that open up, as he understood that Berlusconi would arrive as soon as the elections, in fact. " Unless
then rethink an alliance. But there is allied to Berlusconi or we joined forces to create some of the objectives of a program?
"For God's sake, let alone Berlusconi. Prodi had been in government would soon approve a law that only one item, simple, should have said: Berlusconi is innocent. Enough of this crazy hitch. Let's get rid of Berlusconi's obsession. To win, commit to employment, youth, school. We face a serious discourse on federalism, as so far he has not even attempted. We build the unit in short program and leave it to each his own tradition. For our purposes let's get a better party organization that respects the desire of autonomy that the reality social and political and cultural expression. "
Farewell poles, back to the fragmentation of the First Republic.
"On the other hand, I seem unthinkable coalitions, yet already raving, Fini and Casini-Pd-Pd-Fini".
That apart, to build healthy programmatic alliances in the elections?
"By policy, otherwise continuing between the scandals and an opposition too weak, only brings grist to the mill of the League. That threatens to spread, earning the center. And not only in its traditional areas: in Emilia and Tuscany and on .... "
Faced with the difficulty of Berlusconi, with a possible government crisis, with the deferred fiscal federalism, we could not wait another reversal of the League?
"You can expect everything, even a reversal of the League when the king of fiscal federalism will be completely naked, when the Northern League will realize just wandering among the ghosts of a true federalism. For now expect. " We measure
another new electoral grillini in the field. Will the grillini to steal votes to the left as has happened in the regional elections?
"I do not think. With the current electoral system or a system that provides a barrier high enough. A bill is to earn a local councilor. Another is to enter parliament. However depends on the left or the center left by the desire to make policy. "
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