Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Want To Indian Boobs Bra

if you play your trombone ...... it's time to play our bells

The letter
New Olive Tree Alliance and the Democratic
to defeat Silvio Berlusconi "The turning point of

..... it's time to play our bells. It should be unambiguous commitment of all progressive forces. The consent to the Knight is still large but the relationship between promises and reality is increasingly blurred
Pierluigi BERSANI

Dear Editor, after years of illusion Berlusconi, Italy continues to decline in the economic and social moves away, in the light of each parameter, by the powerful countries of Europe. At the same time the commitment to reform and strengthen the institutions of the Republic is becoming a serious distortion of our democracy. You want to drag in a system where consensus is the first of the rules and that the forms and limits of the Constitution, which limits the independence of the Judiciary, where the Parliament is composed of appointed, where the Government has the right to impunity and a subordinate and supportive information, which are clouded the boundaries between public and private interest. The signs of this we have been able to assess these years Berlusconi: regression of civic spirit and public morality, politics reduced to a cheerleader, widening the gap between north and south, no good reform for the real problems of the citizens. Populism fact is, by definition, a democracy that does not decide, as it specializes in using government to make consensus and to make consensus government. The figure at the bottom of the political situation is here, while the social question and that Labour have no answers and you dramatize every day. Consent for Berlusconi is still wide, but the relationship between words and deeds and between promises and reality becomes increasingly blurred also in the perception of the working classes. Come to light degeneration corrupt living in the shadow of a custom power. The tears are no longer constitutional all'assetto borne by some right-wing liberal and conservative assumptions drawn from a European footprint.

At this point for Berlusconi, the choice is between fold or raise the stakes. For Italy, the choice is no longer just a government, but finally an idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy and society. The next elections, more or less anticipated that it will result in any case a fundamental choice. Compared to this, the alternative proposal still suffers from weaknesses that must be quickly overcome. The failure of a populist promise always produces, directly or conversely, the phenomena of detachment of citizens from politics, a push to radicalization helpless, real expressions of anti-politics that arise from each side. The task of the alternative is to transform large proportion of these scattered forces into positive energy, connected to a political project capable of supporting not only a state government but a proposed system. It is for the first PD, as the largest opposition force, indicating a road to link effectively to today's initiative and nullifying radical challenge of tomorrow.

making them available today in a transitional government did not seek nor short cuts or sudden reversals. We challenge rather than the right to recognize reality and admit the impossibility to keep our current experience in government and to introduce corrective, beginning with the electoral law, which deliver the scepter to its citizens, then to return quickly to a vote. This would be a betrayal of the electoral mandate? The voter was in fact betrayed by those no longer able to represent his coalition and keep the promises of their program. This would be a tear constitutional? Here we illiteracy or blatant bad faith. E 'exclusion in principle of this hypothesis, the real constitutional tear!

who upholds the Constitution of the Republic and its President should instead consider all possibilities. We do. We consider the possibility that the government try to survive with a kind of artificial respiration, refusing to acknowledge its political crisis. A solution that would bring far and to which he answers with a clear opposition. We believe it imperative that the right break-certifying its crisis in Parliament. Consider also the possibility that the escalation towards a political vacuum and to elections conducted with this wretched election law, in an economic, social and financial management of acute critical. In this case, our proposal would have the same inspiration to us today is proposing a transitional government, an inspiration that is derived from the analysis of fund that I mentioned. We would propose an alliance Democrats for a Constituent Assembly. An alliance finally able to defeat a populist interpretation of the bipolar and destructive, able to reaffirm the constitutional principles, to strengthen the institutions making more efficient a firm parliamentary democracy (starting with a new electoral law) and to promote federalism designed to combine and not to divide. I'm talking about an alliance which may, in emergencies, the shape of a political and electoral pact itself, or instead can take more articulate forms of convergence, however, to ensure a shared commitment on basic constitutional foundations and rules of the game . A proposal which would involve the opposing forces Berlusconi, who in a normal political context (as already happens in Europe) would have another location, a proposal that would turn to outside energies parties interested in democratic change, civic and moral. As you can see, this idea stems from the belief that the spill by Berlusconi is not a linear process, that is tied to a simple alternation of government in a system that works. You must leave, I repeat, from a political and cultural, not just by a government to a republic in which two-party alternation and take the form of a true democratic physiology.

To give impetus to this crucial step requires an unambiguous commitment, loyal, and united all convinced progressive forces, which are now called upon to get the height of a national and democratic accountability. How could these forces be credible if in a similar predicament did not go far for a first test of awareness, unity and common determination? So here is the proposal of a common center of forces interested in a platform made of work, good citizenship, fairness, innovation and willing to commit to a progressive simplification and organizational policy that strengthens the vast field of the center. Such a path should definitely leave behind the Union's experience and take rather the form and consistency of a new olive tree. A new olive trees in which the parties of the center left to express a unique alternative project for Italy and for Europe and to serve a broader movement to rescue the country's economic and civil. Therefore, a new Olive Tree and an Alliance for Democracy. On these proposals in the Democratic Party wants to express its function and national government. On this basis

policies the Democratic Party will hold for the autumn a large mobilization campaign on social issues and democracy. It 's time to play because our bells.

(August 26, 2010) © Reproduction reserved
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