the bottom of the barrel ..........
INPS: boom applications unemployment falls
"The system of social safety nets in
Italy is carrying out its duties"
04 December, 16:04
ROME - Applications for unemployment arrive INPS
in October 2009 were 120,000, up 25% from 96,000
arrive in September. E 'revealed by INPS
according to which there was an increase even when compared to
October 2008 (they were 105,000) but a decrease compared to
peak, recorded in July of 166,000 applications. LA CALA
In November, confirming the decrease (-10.29% on October)
to the economic situation of ordinary layoffs. The news
INPS explaining that the appeal is growing
the extraordinary layoff (+34.69%).
The amount of hours authorized temporary layoffs (ordinary) and cigs
(extraordinary) in November stood at values \u200b\u200bsimilar to those of October
(77.9 million versus 76.9).
The real difference is the hours authorized for
layoffs notwithstanding (21.6 million in November:
up 21.3% on October), four million more than in the previous month
. The cig
notwithstanding - says INPS - now worth more than 25% of the entire complex
permissions cig.
In total during the month of November 2009 were approved
99.5 million hours of layoffs (the ordinary and extraordinary exception
) versus 94.7 in October
(+5.13% overall economic growth).
"The social welfare system in Italy is doing its job
: extends the guarantees over time, temporary layoffs
from the cigs, and broadens the audience of users
- says the president of INPS, Antonio Mastrapasqua
-. This explains so stop your temporary layoffs, the recovery of
cig cigs and the growth of a waiver, which is now
quarter of all authorized hours.
It 'just remember that these 21 million hours authorized for cig
notwithstanding represent businesses and workers
until last year were devoid of
support tools, and then make the statistical comparison
substantially uneven. "Overall,
from January to November 2009, were authorized 816,300,000
hours of layoffs, compared with 192.3 million
homologous period of 2008 (+324.35%). November 2009,
compared to November 2008
trend shows an increase of 287.94% (99.5 hours vs. 25.7 million).
"The comparison with last year is useful for statistical purposes, but not always
helps to understand
economic dynamics of the period - adding the chairman Mastrapasqua -.
outset of the crisis we have noticed a significant difference between
permission requests cash
integration and the actual consumption by businesses.
data in November I think they can confirm the prudence
of Italian firms: while the recovery occurs
of production, as we were reminded in these days
Centro Studi Confindustria, relatively
to November, the companies prefer to raise finance
redundancy. Data on cig
already had anticipated summer signals a slight recovery, today confirmed that the
positive rebound in the workplace and employment will be slow, as have almost all
observers. But while the network of social shock absorbers
performs its function. "The effect of integration is felt on the chest
Flex applications
mobility: employees remain in the company.
fact in October this year the mobility were
less than the same month last year (-7.81%)
. Increase the questions of unemployment, but at a lower pace than in previous months
about 120 thousand compared to 105 thousand in October 2008.
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