Shouts and whistles: the spot no longer enchants
Today at 16.03 prime minister still disputed, the empire trembles.
Trust down 14% from the beginning of term: "We can not always win"
Last summer retreat of Silvio Berlusconi will be a medieval fortress, a single room in the castle of the Princess Sofia Tor Crescenza Borghese. Without the traffic and tourists in Rome.
whistles that make it far from the company to a government only: Letizia Moratti in Milan, Renato Schifani in Palermo.
Neither the ball, the best advertising for twenty years ago by Berlusconi to roll right.
President of miracles and five coppecampioni sought an ovation from the Milan fans: there's banners, shouting and whistling.
And to think that, in response to 86 as a commercial success, Berlusconi declined to Milanello for the gathering of the team with a helicopter livery AC Milan Adriano Galliani and trust in guard of honor.
The entrepreneur with the sun in your pocket - the electoral code given a book by Sandro Bondi - is now off: "We can not always win," said dismissed the complaints of fans.
And they said, "Once you bought Baggio, now only Caravaggio." That party's over Monday has understood in Milan for the gala prize 'statesman of rare ability,' empty room and no song.
is also a lesson in realism of his brother Paul, "Silvio can not even walk on water." The shadow of the waving numeriNon surveys because the numbers are bad
: in July - the source Ipr Marketing - confidence in the Prime Minister is 39 percent, less than 14 points since returning to Palazzo Grazioli. Never so bad in the legislature.
The government is in the relegation zone: 33 percent, one in three Italian believes in Brunetta, Gelmini et al. The former pollster
staff Crespi rages: voting intentions, the PDL increased from 39 percent in January to 33.5 in July. The "I think ghe" has sparked panic and run collective.
On 19 July Paolo Borsellino were recalled and ran away: Schifani has avoided the public square of Palermo, the mayor Moratti has made her escort La Russa in Milan.
perGianfranco Fini Whistles and applause, whistles and enough to Beppe Pisanu. Professor Alessandro Campi teaches History of Political Thought in Perugia and comments from a vantage point
- scientific director of Finian Farefuturo - races and anxieties in Roman palaces: There
sidereal distance between citizens and their representatives.
The political class is afraid of confrontation, so it becomes the caste that is silent and ignores the common people. "
And if you beat a retreat, and remains segregated in autoblu, the police are the wall and waving batons, two weeks ago in L'Aquila parade at Palazzo Grazioli, beatings and three wounded.
"This is a result of our oligarchic democracy.
fails the age ranging from Tangentopoli later thought to parties and liquid - add fields - the virtual dialogue, but we were prisoners of an illusion. "
And the politician, Berlusconi, or struggle to understand reality.
Sends a message to Abruzzo to the anniversary of the earthquake, a text read and marked by boos and insults: "I wonder why? For
L'Aquila I put my heart. "
And perhaps they need homes, jobs, future.
La Scala theater celebrating the liberation, Berlusconi interrupted five minutes of applause for Giorgio Napolitano, soon converted into whistles just sticks out his hand to say hello.
Still whistles in via Humility (party headquarters) for a press conference, boos the entire council of ministers away in Reggio Calabria. Debris on
peggioCampi, the empire crumbles?
"The electoral law is the original evil, how can a citizen feel part of a political project without preferences tab? Then the MPs seem to pass laws to hide and armored obvious that people take to the streets.
not make comparisons with the '92 or the coins to Craxi, we do not have to fight public opinion, ripe for change, not apathy, but because he resigned for the worst. "
maceration on the rubble, the breakdown is irreparable?
"Politics must rediscover the courage to talk to people, to address the criticisms and explain. I do not know how and when to blow the lid on the pot, but the pressure is really strong. "
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Not in my name
Today at 10:39
- Roberta De Monticelli - I teach philosophy of the person at the Faculty of Philosophy, University Vita Salute San Raffaele. I am writing this to say: not in my name. It is certainly not in my name today (yesterday, ed) our Rector, Father Louis Verzi, acting as his right to the proclamation of the graduation ceremony, he turned to the only candidate Barbara Berlusconi, who arrived today at the conclusion of his career three years, asking if he thought could be born a Faculty of Economics of the San Raffaele based on the author's thought on the issue in the thesis (Amartya Sen), and an invitation to become professor of this university, in the presence of the Prime Minister, who attended the ceremony.
mean openly and publicly disassociate myself from this I think is a violation not only of the formal principle of equal dignity of students, not only of form and substance of an instrument such as a proclamation of degree, not only the dignity of the teaching staff Rector should be represented, but also the ethical requirements of a university of excellence which the University aspires rightly San Raffaele to be.
I would like to clearly and publicly and disassociate myself from these words and logic that underlies it, the logic that a lifetime fighting, always fighting as corporatism and clientelism of the Italian university system and the gradual sinking of all the criteria of excellence and merit, as well as the University itself as a school of freedom.
I'll disagree individually, although I hope that the deprecation of what is unanimous among the faculty. But I would like to reiterate my statement that are not happy in principle nor in fact partly responsible Circulation of this ceremony, not of principle for the deep reasons of disagreement that I have expressed here, not done, because in fact not one of the members of the committee on the candidate in question, and certainly not because I asked to be exonerated.
http://temi.repubblica.it/micromega-online/don-verze-e-la-nomina-a-docente-di-barbara-berlusconi-roberta-de-monticelli-non-in-mio-nome /
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