IS WHO '? Borghezio?
piduismo regime
words vile and wretched Mr. Cicchitto
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By becoming cowardly shield of immunity of caste, the Hon. Cicchitto accused Marco Travaglio, one of the few journalists-reporters still standing in this country, of being a "media terrorist", and one of moral principals, along with "The Daily Done" and the whole group Repubblica-Espresso 's assault of a mentally unstable to Berlusconi.
With these outrageous charges, the shameful Cicchitto was undertaken the majority of misrule nell'imbarbarimento a further step in the political struggle and the campaign of hatred against the Republican Constitution, its institutions, citizens who defend it.
If we stoop to the shameful Cicchitto monstrous illogical, we would accuse him of "parliamentary terrorism."
What we will not do. His is only
piduismo, deployed and regimen.
We are confident that those in the majority have a residual respect for the values \u200b\u200bof liberal democracy stigmatizzerĂ "no ifs, ands or buts" the disgraceful act that has disgraced the Italian parliament. The rest is complicity. Subscribe
text Flores Arcais of solidarity with Travaglio,
the daily Repubblica-Espresso to the group on facebook Join
Cicchitto WHAT WAS SAID:
(December 15, 2009)
Italy is falling into the abyss of barbarism
OBSESSIONS, poisons and incivility '
.. and who am I to judge.? The dominant thought
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 attack on Berlusconi
The second is a frame
me .... I have seen and reviewed the video and photographs of the attack
Looking at some videos on YouTube you can see many strange things
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWmvrYIKitA 1) In the video taken by the camera that fits more closely and berlusconi height man, believed to be the official camera of the PDL, the operator, who had previously completed Berlusconi incessantly, move the camera on the crowd just a few seconds before the attack. Look to the minute / second 1:43 the following video: Even the operator moves the camera right when the arm dell'assalitore becomes visible in the frame (top left).
The movement is also quite sharp, I do not compatible with any dictate to regulate the proper use of the tools of recovery.
I believe that just ask any amateur operator saperese for such a maneuver should be considered correct. A check can be made more finding out who is the operator of the camera in question and those who work.
2) The shots where you see the attack from above instead (there sonotante on YouTube) it seems that the object does not affect B. in full, but rather almost touches the solamente.Inoltre his head remains still, a shot so romperelabbro strong, two front teeth and nose would surely have provoked a backlash
very strong due to the violent impact, do not you think? 3) You may also notice that just after the impact there is no blood on the face of Berlusconi. After the impact
B. He carries his hands to his face, hiding any possible injury. But
an impact type lacerated contusion should not cause cuts and injuries can be almost instantly?
is then taken by car and it will stay there a few seconds, but unfortunately the video I saw I could not calculate the exact amount, I believe that there remains
least one minute.
At minute 3:46 of the video above you can see that an agent of the Commons puts his hand on the face of B. while holding something, this object can be a simple handkerchief, or the thing that you can see later, you
http://www.repubblica.it/2006/05/gallerie/politica/berlusconi-aggredito/12. html
What can it be? Maybe a pistol that launches fake blood?
4) In fotosequenza of Repubblica.it seen as B. put her hands to the face
holding a black bag between his fingers.
In the first picture we see that when the spasm following injury brings his hands to his face tightened into fists.
When a person feels a pain understood and puts his hands to the face is feasible, taking into clenched fists in order to hold an object?
Would not it be logical that immediately opened their hands?
5) In the images it can be seen on Repubblica.it
Berlusconi's hands are not at all bloody. How is this possible?
I advise you to download video from YouTube perpoterlo best view in slow motion.
Ultimately I believe that B. has not done nothing had the impact, smear, with the object thrown by the attacker.
It is instead rigged for good in the time it was in the car, then come out to show to all the alleged consequences of what he wanted farcredere had happened.
Here's another blogger who think like me:
What do you think?