Mauro Di Luzio:
the Almighty!
ER NANO AND 'NO' misfortune

Monday, April 5, 2010 at 8:10
Quarche months ago said that there was rampant in Italy
na great corruption, the government had to find
that ar na solution! But
je dates you this task ....
mica is er GOVERNMENT charity ...
some time now has become a brotherhood of thieves, corrupt and de
who only want the business makes
na pe own convenience! THAT if you invent de
ago? Na
law eg lever L 'interception ..
them so judges nun who know more than I know them
delinguenti or those good men! But
MOUNT ar je de
people in society if they intercepted
have never committed a crime quarche? But there ar
Government of crime there are so many ..
ashamed if he is reading now pure saints!
mò But there 'Daje to act, that the agreement
co France,
eg nuclear power plants CIA made him ......
in a while there will be publicity sur
consumption of light ... like there was er na Vorta DUCE! They'll see the
on vacation near the central lawn co sur
the flowers .....
PE imbecility
nun who else is danger of holes!
And then the waste?
But I know that it is easy to reach
na de hand ....
the groundwater in Calabria
scattered nerve territory or that field, so the
ecomafia pay the fine ....
je even if people if they'll pay the penalties!
But this is all a matter
secondary fact ce says:
In three years we discovered der cancer care ...
been assured that the pe nun radazioni
now if there more!
Just look at the photos of Chernobyl and the Pora people ...
who remained suffered from a quell'inconveniente,
I have seen and describe them to you ...
way because I get goose bumps while
alli posterity these things I will write,
pay attention to what happens .. Annam de
.. because if I'm passing them
nun grandchildren will be able to see!
Now that all are
Monno er to implement alternative energy
..... know that some of the trust if there
nun is bad! If
Prenn er ar blowing wind, sun rays ar .., because for centuries there
them manna in tera our LORD!
Turning now to the end
na .... if you find me far we have made a referendum
Vorta pe na d 'er Ascorti people are blessed
de de NATION?

pick between the Net Cries and Whispers, The News Today begging not to remain in a surreal silence, and as you well know, are these and what the Clouds: "They come for a real one thousand are fake and put them between us and the sky, leaving only a desire to rain. "
the evening of July 30, 2010 "firefighters of the City of Afragola, 20 civil defense volunteers, policemen, traffic wardens and technicians are digging with their hands trying to reach people who should be under the rubble. Dogs are also used to identify the points groped in what might be missing.
The building collapse was caused by a structural failure due to infiltration of rainwater. On all Napoletano, in the early hours of the night, he shot down a storm characterized by heavy rain and very strong gusts of vento.Una crowd of people - mostly locals - took to the streets and asked to participate the relief operation. Fighters Fire, however, made clear the area, although there is a danger that a building adjacent to the collapse could also be a failure. In a surreal silence trying to hear groans or requests for help that might come from under the rubble. "
More than 400 deaths from floods and landslides caused by storms that struck in recent days in Pakistan.
I have notified the local authorities. More than 600,000 people were affected by the disturbance caused by rains that rendered uninhabitable homes and hundreds of thousands of hectares of land in north-west Pakistan and Kashmir, isolating some villages and interrupting the main line of communication with China. "These are the worst floods that this memory," said the provincial minister for Information, Mian Iftikhar Hussain, giving notice at a press conference of the 408 confirmed dead and 150 missing.
The White House has "begged" not to publish Wekileaks other documents on Afghanistan in his possession.
The life of the Afghan staff who worked with U.S. troops and national security of America is in danger because of this leak and the White House can only pray that the person has not to disclose these documents in the web ", spokesman Robert Gibbs said in an interview in the "Today" issuer "NBC."
Washington to control all the networks will raise the tone of the polemic against CALEA, the legislation establishing the requirement of systematic government backdoors in all electronic communication systems.
ACLU: strike outside the United States. "
This was news in December 2005.
ended more than 73,000 blogs in the United States:
but this is news in July 2010.

On 27 July it was learned that after the decree of the Chamber of the House Yes Act extending the Italian participation in military missions abroad, including the one in Afghanistan, with 484 yes, 25 no and 11 abstentions,
"The bill for the refinancing of the mission in Afghanistan was approved by the Foreign Affairs Committee and Defense of the House, convened in the legislative, so even with the League, "as he recalled the President of the Defence Committee of Deputies Edmund Ciriello. Among the innovations introduced
Deputies from the initial text, the direct assignment (as already happens for the civilian police) of the EU contribution to the police involved in the mission EUPM in Bosnia, through an amendment of Joseph Moles; assignment € 250 thousand of the Italian Atlantic Committee, a more favorable licenses and leave for soldiers engaged in missions. "
The names of five leading members of the Taliban were removed from a list of the Security Council of the United Nations militants subject to sanctions, an initiative supported by Kabul in an effort to promote reconciliation talks with the insurgents, the UN said today.
Finally we give the numbers: 33 Members Finian for the Future and Freedom in Italy, "the group newborn House.
hot summer of Cie Italian: Trouble in the night in the center for identification and expulsion of Bari-Palese. A protest Cie of illegal immigrants at the end of July, resulted in a scuffle with the police.
13 soldiers wounded and six immigrants who managed to escape.
The President Napolitano considers it its duty to remain extraneous to the merits of internal discussions and decisions to the parties.
Rockefeller speaks about the dangers of the internet and offering cybersecurity.
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