Monday 19 at 14.15 in the priest's house: Catechism of Elementary IV
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Perucconi - via Albini 3
Tuesday 20
Santo Rosary at 20:45 hours Fam Biella - via Moray 21A
Wednesday 21
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Blessed Fam - via Manzoni 17
Thursday 22
16:30 pm in St. George
solemn Vespers and Eucharistic adoration following exposure. Replace
At 20:45 Crosio in the Valley: deanery Procession of Corpus Christi
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Dal Pra - via Azzate 20
Friday 23 :
8.30 am in St. George
Lodi solemn Eucharistic exposition and adoration follows.
11.30 Now Media and reposition
to Worship Groups:
15.00: Ministers Communion
16.00: Catechists
17.00: Preado and Ado
Ore18.00: Mass
Milan from 16.30 to 22.15: meeting with the Cardinal's animators and educators with the delivery of the Educational Mandate. Mandatory meeting for all leaders of the Oratory Summer.
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Villa Cagnola
After the recitation of the Rosary Parish Hall of the meeting with the catechists and catechists Gazzada crisitiana initiation.
Saturday 24 :
9.00 am in St. George
Lodi solemn following exposure.
Worship groups:
10.00: Boys / and
11.00: Young
11.45 am: Now Media and reposition
15.00 pm Seniors Group
Ore16.00 Cpp, CAEP, CdO and engaged in parish and oratory. Adoration of the 16 is animated by the choir in the style of Taize.
Holy Rosary at 20.45 at Fam Bianchi - via Varese for
Sunday 25 :
First Communion
17.00: San Giorgio in:
Solemn Vespers and Adoration
silent procession of Corpus Domini
20:45 pm meeting at the sports field for the Eucharistic Procession Via Manzoni (via Moray, Piazza San Bernardino). In S. Solemn Blessing Cross and the conclusion of the Eucharistic Days.
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