Cardinal Archbishop Dionigi Tettamanzi, in the person of our Episcopal Vicar Bishop Luigi Stucchi has given to our unity 'of a Pastoral Minister: DON LOUIS MILANI , which will be in the middle us from next June 1st.
Already, dear Don Luigi, you are close with prayer and we say thanks in advance for all the good we sow in our midst.
Don Luigi Milani was born in Garbagnate Milanese (MI) on August 11, 1942.
E 'was ordained a priest June 28, 1966.
It 's time pastor of the Parish of St. Stephen Leggiuno (VA).
's notices next week of Lent
Monday, March 3: oratory of Daverio EVENING OF EMMAUS for young people.
Wednesday 5: the first and third Wednesday of the month you can receive tax assistance and social security
- to Schianno at the Oratory from 16:15 to 17:15.
- to GAZZADA took parish hall from 14.30 to 16.00 .
Friday 7: 21 hours , MEDITATION ON THE CROSS in S. George on Schianno.
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