Sunday, March 30, 2008
Acer Aspire X3810 Bluetotth
Meeting Monday, March 31 for catechists in the parish hall of Christian initiation in Gazzada.
3 rd grade at 17.00
4 ^ elementary
at 14.00 ^ 5 Elementary at 18.00
1 ^ average at 16.00
at 21.00 in the parish hall in Gazzada:
Parish Council for Economic Affairs Gazzada and Schianno
Wednesday, April 2
20.45 Azzate: S. Mass for the missionary martyrs in 2007 and remember the Servant of God John Paul II, on the third anniversary of the pious. We are all invited to participate.
Thursday 3
20.45 the Archdiocese De Filippi training sessions for members of the Parish Council for Economic Affairs: political contributions. The new law bars tax parish and updates.
at 21.00 in the parish hall in Gazzada: meeting the family group to see the journey.
Sunday 6
from 9.00 to 12.30 Oratory of Azzate.
Withdrawal of candidates for Confirmation and their parents, and S. Mass.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Freeze Ahead Desserts
The next Sunday, March 30th, we celebrate the feast of Divine Mercy: a party is asked by Jesus himself in an apparition to Saint Faustina. In this day for all those who confess (confession can also be a few days earlier) and receive Holy Communion, remittances will be all the blame and punishment is a sort of "new baptism", a possibility that the love of God gives us all, believers and sinners, to start a new life full of His Love.
' On that day, who will draw close to the source of life they will achieve the total remission of sins and punishment ' Jesus said again: ' pour a whole sea of \u200b\u200bgraces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy ' because ' on that day are open all channels through which flow the divine graces. No soul is afraid to approach me even though its sins be as scarlet '.
Don I. Rozycki writes that
- all people, even those that had not fed to the Divine Mercy devotion, and even that only sinners that day they were converted, may participate with the graces that Jesus has prepared for the feast;
- all the graces and benefits are accessible to all on that day, provided they are asked with great confidence .
This wealth of thanks and rewards by Christ was not linked to any other form of devotion to Ivin Mercy.
Read more:
and / crown. htm
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Can Lupus Cause Smelly Urine
Christ is risen! It 's really risen! Alleluia.
Regina coeli, laetare, alleluia:
Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia,
Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia.
Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia.
Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria, alleluia.
Quia surrexit Dominus vere, alleluia.
Deus, qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es: praesta, quaesumus, ut per eius Genitricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus Gaudia vitae. For eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia;
Christ, who bore in her womb, alleluia,
is risen, as he promised, alleluia.
Pray to the Lord for us, alleluia.
Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, alleluia.
The Lord is truly risen, alleluia.
O God, in the glorious resurrection of your Son you have restored joy to the world, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, grant us the joys of life without end. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Friday, March 21, 2008
What Temperature Should I Wash My Nudie Jeans In

At about three o'clock, Jesus cried with a loud voice
"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? "
One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, after which he bowed his head, gave up his spirit.
is now a great earthquake, the veil of the temple was torn and the earth shook, and after he bowed his head, gave up his spirit.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Breat Examination Costume
"You have come to take me wielding swords as if I were a thief!
Every day I was among you to teach, and did not arrest me!
Now I delivered it to be crucified. "
While he was still talking, here comes the crowd and even the apostle named Judas approached Jesus to kiss him.
"Judas with a kiss betray the Son of man, that he was crucified."
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I Looking For The Exotic Mammals Dealers
- 20.00 Dinner at the Oratory of Jewish Schianno.
Tuesday, 18
- at 16.00 SS. Confessions Pasquali for elementary and junior high in Gazzada.
- 20.45 SS. Easter confession to Schianno.
Wednesday 19
- at 16.00 SS. Confessions Pasquali for elementary and middle to Schianno.
- 20.45 SS. Easter confession to Gazzada.
Easter Triduum Holy Thursday
At 20 Don Angelo is morning in the Cathedral for the Holy Chrism Mass with the Cardinal Archbishop for the renewal of baptismal promises.
- 14.30 WELCOME Azzate the sacred chrism.
- 16.30 in the church San Giorgio martyr - Withdrawal of preadolescents and adolescents.
- 18.00 in the church San Giorgio martyr - Solemn washing of the feet.
- 21.00 in S. S. Croce Lord's Supper Mass
- At the end of S. Adoration following Mass until 1:00
Friday 21 - at 14.45 in the church S. George Martyr Commemoration of the death of Jesus
- 9.00 to 11.30 SS. Easter confession to Gazzada.
- from 16.00 to 18.00 in Schianno SS Easter confession.
- ore 20.45 Via Cross - Departure from the Church of the Assumption in Schianno and conclusion in S. Cross.
Holy Saturday 22 - 10.00 in Cagnola villa, for all boys and girls, the Via Crucis.
- 9.00 to 11.30 SS. Easter confession to Schianno.
- from 16.00 to 18.00 in Gazzada SS Easter confession.
- 20.30 in the parish church in Schianno S. George the Martyr
solemn Easter Vigil at 21.30 in the parish church in Gazzada S. Cross
solemn Easter Vigil Easter Sunday
- 8:30 am S. Making Schianno - St George Martyr
- 10.00 S. Making Gazzada - S. Cross
- 11:15 am S. Making Schianno - St George Martyr
- 18.00 S. Making Gazzada - S. Cross
- 10.00 S. Making Gazzada - S. Cross
- 11:15 am S. Mass - St George the Martyr
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Woman Breastfeeding A Man
Dear faithful Gazzada and Schianno,
during my experience as a workshop, a couple of years before being ordained a priest, I was struck by the choice of a friend of mine who was leaving the Diocesan Seminary go to the PIME and prepare to become a missionary and I was wondering: "Maybe the Lord asks the same thing to me?".
The following year impressed me the news that one of my primary school mate, after being graduate, was a cloistered nun, and it seemed to me, in front of his decision so strong that my seminary journey was something too normal. On both occasions, the spiritual director helped me realize that I could not decide on radical changes in my life only according to some impressions. In fact, I completed the preparation to be simply a diocesan priest.
There is a thread that runs through my life, a clear indication that guides the direction of my journey. Led me to be coadjutor in the parish and the Oratory of Ispra for 15 years, I have entered the community of Leggiuno for 27 years and now calls me parstorale commitment to You in collaboration with Don Angelo. Framed passages of suffering and hope, permanently sustained by affection and friendship of people who have placed their trust in the Lord Jesus
Maybe I no longer have the enthusiasm of "then", but there is awareness that "He" does not leave me and actually wants me to live new experiences and deeper.
I wish a Happy Easter to you all and I am sure that your experience of faith in many ways is similar to mine: when we have the opportunity to talk about it with joy.
Don Luigi
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Female Bmi Great Britain
Sunday, March 9: Retreat for children and parents.
Monday 10: 21.00 oratory Azzate catechesis young people.
Tuesday 11: 20.00 Schianno Oratory of S. Rosary followed by the middle of listening to Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, the Youth group.
Wednesday 12: 21.00 in Oratory at Schianno: GALP in preparation for Holy Week;
Caritas interparochial in Oratory at Schianno.
Thursday 13: 6:30 am Azzate Mass for students and workers. In a Schianno
Oratorio: Lenten Retreat for Senior Citizens Groups i:
10.00 am Meditation - Silence - Mass.
12.30 Lunch in Oratory - Following the afternoon together.
14 Friday: 21.00 in S. Cross to Gazzada visual meditation on the Cross. - Close the entries for the Jewish meal (see below)
Saturday 15: 20.45 Duomo in Milan Traditio symbol (the deanery is organizing a bus)
Sunday 16: 15.30 Schianno in oratory, meeting organization for the Festival of St. Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows.
PALM SUNDAY: S. Solemn Mass: 9:45 am
Gazzada find the cave on a free Italy.
Schianno meeting at 11.10 am in the church of SS. Cosmas and Damian for the procession.
at 17.00 in San Giorgio a Schianno solemn Vespers with Benediction.
Monday 18: 20.00 to Schianno, Dinner Jewish Registration no later than Friday, 14 by Angelo and Luigi Luini Mentasti. Cost € 12.
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Groping Trains Buses Subways
find parking for the Mass or for a function has always been a problem for the parish of Schianno. Lately it has become a major problem for the priest who leads the celebrations.
Don Angelo kindly ask the faithful to vacate the parking spaces near the parish house (near Caritas body of the collection, for instance) so the priest can find parking even if it were to be late. Several times it happened that the priest did not find place to park.
The invitation is to use the soccer field parking lot in the oratory.
will soon be exhibited signs reserving parking spaces for the priest and people with disabilities.
We do our best work together and spread the word.
Sometimes just a little.
Thanks for your attention.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
How Much For Car Plates In Ontario
Cardinal Archbishop Dionigi Tettamanzi, in the person of our Episcopal Vicar Bishop Luigi Stucchi has given to our unity 'of a Pastoral Minister: DON LOUIS MILANI , which will be in the middle us from next June 1st.
Already, dear Don Luigi, you are close with prayer and we say thanks in advance for all the good we sow in our midst.
Don Luigi Milani was born in Garbagnate Milanese (MI) on August 11, 1942.
E 'was ordained a priest June 28, 1966.
It 's time pastor of the Parish of St. Stephen Leggiuno (VA).
's notices next week of Lent
Monday, March 3: oratory of Daverio EVENING OF EMMAUS for young people.
Wednesday 5: the first and third Wednesday of the month you can receive tax assistance and social security
- to Schianno at the Oratory from 16:15 to 17:15.
- to GAZZADA took parish hall from 14.30 to 16.00 .
Friday 7: 21 hours , MEDITATION ON THE CROSS in S. George on Schianno.