Day Saints Agnes and John Bosco
From Monday 21 to Thursday, January 24 : Joy Company for elementary and middle
Monday, 21 : Sant'Agnese
del'Educazione opening of the week.
18.00 pm in oratory Schianno : pajama party for girls from third grade to the average included (strictly come in their pajamas) - Listening to St Agnes - Game - Dinner.
Thursday 24 at 21.00 in the Parish Hall in Gazzada : Meeting for teachers, instructors and friends of the Oratory and parents EDUCATORS IN LISTENING. Speaker Don Julian Veronesi.
Friday 25 : Joy Company penitential
21.00 pm in the Parish Hall in Gazzada: Schianno of GALP and responsible for the liturgy of Gazzada.
Saturday 26 at 14.15 in the priest's house: Gazzada of CAEP.
17.00 to Schianno: IV meeting: "The end of life: Onan and Tamar" for young families.
Ore16.00 in oratory Schianno : meeting of the Barisan of Schianno.
Now eleventh: Let us pray for our oratory.
28 hours Monday to 21.00 to Schianno PREADO, ADO and Young
Tuesday 29 at 16.30 in oratory Gazzada for III-IV-V and Elem Media
Wednesday 30 at 16.30 in the Oratory in Schianno for III-IV-V and Elem Media
Thursday 31 : San Giovanni Bosco
Support for nurseries and Gazzada Schianno
18.00 pm in oratory Gazzada : pajama party for kids from third grade to the average included (strictly come in their pajamas) - Listening to St. John Bosco - Game - Dinner.
21.00 in Oratory at Schianno Educators in prayer
Sunday, February 3: Community Day 'SAINTS FOR EDUCATION and DAY OF LIFE.
10.00 and 11.15: S. Solemn Mass in honor of SS. Agnes and John Bosco
At 12.30 in the two speakers: LUNCH
for registration, please contact Gazzada by Luigi Mentasti (0332462424) and by Schianno Nadia (0332462876) and Paul (3470657759).
Tuesday, 5 : Sant'Agata - Day of Catholic Women.
19.00 pm in St. George:
Evening Mass of celebration in oratory Schianno : dinner dances and songs.
To register, contact Angelo and Luigi Luini Mentasti.